3 Quick Tips to Avoid Pain When Running

3 Quick Tips to Avoid Pain When Running

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Few people in class asking this week about knee and hip pain when running so here are 3 quick tips that we can take into our training. program right away …..

First of all, Why do we run? 

  • Because it feels good? 

  • Because we want to eat ice cream? 

  • Because we want to have the CRAIC with our friends?? 

All very valid reasons ....... so when we can't run it can be frustrating as hell!! So here are 3 quick tips that we can take into our training routine right away to help out and avoid injury. 

Tip 1: Warm Up!! 

This seems obvious perhaps, but whats easy to do is also easy not to do! It's amazing the amount of clients we have helped with pain by simply incorporating a consistent and specific warm up routine.

Tip 2: Strength Train!! 

Just as important. We needs the muscles surrounding our knee, hip and other joints to be strong enough to support them, otherwise we break down and get pain. 

Strength training Benefits

  • Strengthens muscles and joints 

  • Decrease risk of injury 

  • Improves Co-ordination and balance 

  • Adds longevity to your running career

  • Improves speed and times 

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Tip 3: Recover!! 

Take breaks and don't try to do too much all at once. Listen to your body. As runners we need to push through a certain amount of pain to get better and improve but don't be silly and try to push through too much. Remember that ...... 

"A little on top of a little eventually gets to a lot"

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