5 Ways to Adopt a Positive Mindset During Isolation

5 Ways to Adopt a Positive Mindset During Isolation

Carramore Beach.jpg

As we enter into the start of April and we are experiencing various forms of self-isolation in most parts of the world here are a few tips to reframe our thinking during this time!


The 1st part is Acceptance and understanding the difference between controllables and uncontrollables. There are a lot of things happening externally that we have little control over but we do have control over how we react.

Audit what you take in

Keeping ourselves updated is important but too much social media is never a good thing. There are a lot of very good apps out there that can limit our media usage so use them.


Adopt a new routine. Routine is so important especially if you are off work, minding kids etc. We know kids thrive off good routine but its important to realize that adults do too. And keep things simple, Exercise daily, Eat good foods and get to Sleep on time.

Look for Opportunities instead of Obstacles

So many people are looking for obstacles to quit instead of opportunities to grow. With the right attitude this can actually be an incredible time to focus on achieving the health and fitness goals that you said you didn’t have time for in the past or maybe even cooking them healthy meals that you said took too long. In our online coaching program people are doing really well! Some people look for obstacles, others for opportunities some look for problems others for possibilities so which one are you gonna be?

Stay connected

Again going back to Opportunity instead of Obstacle, use technology to your advantage by getting on and staying connected with your friends, family, community. Look out for each other. By helping other people you help yourself.

Right now is a huge chance to go all in with our health. With every obstacle comes opportunity, and with every problem comes possibility. The excuses we had in the past ("lack of time", "social events and distractions", "I'll start tomorrow") are no more. Remember that we are rewarded in this world for what we do, not what we know so Take Action!

Looking forward to getting back to Carramore Beach for a dirty cold swim!!

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