Includes: Time Efficient Workouts, Customized Nutrition Plan, Accountability Coaching Calls, Different Workouts Weekly And Live Cook-alongs!!


Your Going to be Shown Exactly What to Do …………


Hi My name is Seamus Keane and I am the owner of Clann Health.

I love Fitness and I love taking someone who doesn't like it on a journey to liking it, feeling better from it which gives me a massive sense of accomplishment!

But this wasn’t alway the case. When I came to New York in 2014 I worked in Finance before leaving my job to become a full-time Fitness Professional. When I worked in Finance I became stuck in a rut of working long hours, eating bad foods and feeling like crap! After 6 months of this I had enough and decided to change. I prioritized Exercise and started to eat better too. Soon I had lost the weight I put on and starting making Exercise and Nutrition Plans for all of coworkers in the office.

Since leaving my job in the past 4 years I have helped hundreds of people transform their bodies and most importantly their minds through our programs. What I have noticed with all these people is that they are drowned with information but starved for knowledge. So far a common sense approach has helped us to improve the lives and bodies of many by increasing energy through better Exercise, Nutrition and Mindset practices.

And not only that but our people create lasting change. You see what we do is empower and educate you too! This is not a 6 Week cookie clutter program, here you will learn how to build the correct habits around Exercise and Nutrition and be successful with your Health Long Term. 

I know what it’s like on both sides of the fence.  I have been that person stuck in a rut, the maker of poor choices, the doer of bad habits, the one lacking motivation and consistency. But I also know what it’s like to make positive change. You will feel better, you will sleep better, you will have more energy, you will be happier and you will be a better person all around! Remember that to make a Change all it takes is that 1st Action step. 


Katie O Connell is the owner Of Her Own Studio In The South Of Ireland Katie Has Helped Build And Coach This 6 Week Program. Katie Is A Qualified Nutritional Coach And Personal Trainer To Name A Few Of Her Qualifications. Katie Always Emphasises “Lifestyle Change” Through Nutrition And Exercise Over Quick Fix Diets.

This Program Is In Fact The Perfect Kickstart To A Lifestyle Change. By Participating In A Kickstart Challenge You Will Have All The Tools And Knowledge To Make The Best Decisions When It Comes To Nutrition And Exercise. In This 6 Weeks You Have A Library Of Online Workouts All Under 20 Minutes In Durations And A Huge Mix Of Workout Types From Pilates, HIIT And Strength.

“I Can Guarantee You The Clann Health Kickstart Program Will Be The Last Health And Wellness Program You Will Ever Need To Do.!” Katie



What our last Kickstart Challengers had to say ……

I was a notoriously bad sleeper and I have never slept as good. There is not reason not to do this program, you feel so good about yourself and it is not expensive

I loved the recipe book and the group chat where we supported each other and were able to exchange ideas. With past programs I have had to make my meal and my family’s separate, but with this everyone was eating the same thing


Previous to this I had been exercising a lot but not getting the results I wanted

Two weeks into the program I had foot surgery so I couldn’t do any exercise and was in two minds about doing it because of that. Seamus said it was 80% Nutrition and it turned out he was right

I couldn’t Exercise for 4 weeks and still got great results


Program is limited to 15 places only, save your place on the program by clicking on the link above.

Registration closes Friday April 29th at 3pm and starts Monday the 2nd of May!


I am new to exercise is this the right plan for me?

Our Custom Workouts provide all the instructions needed to have the confidence with our challenge plans. We cater these plans for new gym goers from the Beginner to the Advanced so whether you are confident Gym Goer or new to Exercise we cater you all level.

Will this plan work for me?

The Clann Health Kickstart is designed to give everything needed in order to guarantee results. Stick to the plan and use the support in the Weekly Check In Calls to achieve a fantastic transformation. An investment in yourself pays the best interest. After 6 weeks you will feel the best you have, dropped bodyfat and built lean muscle 

When does the program officially start and end?

The course starts for everyone on Monday May 2nd and runs for 6 weeks finishing Sunday June 12th.

Is the program Time consuming?

All Exercise Sessions are 30 minutes or less so they are quick and time efficient. Additionally each of the Meals listed take less than 30 minutes to cook and they are family friendly so you can cook for everyone in the house.

Do I need to go to a gym to do this plan?

No, we will be hosting live workouts which you can do from home as well as offering gym workout plans to those who can access a gym!

I travel a bit with work, will this be a problem?

Organization and making the correct choices with Nutrition is key whether you are home all the time or traveling. Exercise sessions can be done anywhere (Home or Gym or Hotel Room) and each person will be assigned a meal program and the tools they need to succeed whether they are traveling or based in the one place during the program.

What is the cost of the program?

Full price of the program is $599 (2 split payments of $299). We are so confident in the program that we will offer to buy it back from you if you are not satisfied with your progress after the 1st 3 weeks.

Program is limited to 15 places only, save your place on the program by clicking on the link above.

Registration closes Friday April 29th at 3pm and starts Monday the 2nd of May!


It’s not a diet, it’s healthy eating. You enjoy eating healthy because it’s good flavored food. You may have your off day, but you get back on the wagon again and you lose pounds and inches it’s a no brainer


“I’ve said this before but the number on the scale at the end of the program was mind boggling - I was up and down in the 14Os for so long and when I saw the 136 at end of first week I really could not get over I had gotten there - and now I realize it was the nutrition first and foremost