6 Weeks to 6K to $6K

6 Weeks to 6K to $6K

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The Clann Health Community came together throughout the world during September and October to raise funds for two very worthy causes, one of New York City’s most needy Food Banks and the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust who do amazing work throughout the world.

When we formed Clann Health less than 6 months ago our goal was (and still is) simple ……. “to build a Community who live life to its fullest through Health, Fitness, Giving Back and Adventure”. That event on Sunday October 25th was exactly that! The seed of this idea was initially sown after a Fundraiser where we partnered with the Team Aisling Group which had a massive impact raising over $70,000 for SLAINTE, a very worthy cause helping those who were less fortunate during the pandemic.

Online and In Person Programming

From the beginning of September we had over 1,500 people take part in our online group all over the world who followed a training program made by Shane specifically for this event, then our training group in Queens New York met 3 times per week following a similar program! We had people taking part in the 6 Week Event from all corners of the world including, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Spain, France, Dubai, Abu Dhabi & many more places too!

For some a 6K distance was the most they had done in a long time and their target was to complete it successfully, for others their goal was to race it as fast as they could on the final day. People broke through physical and mental barriers in preparation and in completing their Challenge and showed what can be achieved through consistent practice, adherence and determination.

Event Day

On the 25th of October we held a triumphant meet up in Juniper Park where over 100 people took part in their own 6K! Kids, Adults, Mums, Dads, Grandads and Dogs all completed the challenge in what can only be described as a carnival style atmosphere on the day!

Take a look at our post event video on this link to get an idea of it all!

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Over $6,000 Raised for two great causes

Thank you everyone for the amazing response and to all who were involved to make it happen! Altogether over $6,000 was raised ($6,002 to be exact!) which will benefit two amazing charities. A lot of positive things can happen when people come together to work for a common good!

Raising funds and awareness was amazing but the really impactful part was everyone coming together and working towards achieving a something positive during a very difficult time for some people. That’s what Community are about, that’s what Health is about, that’s what Adventure is about and that’s what Fitness for life is about.

Clann Health

Clann Health aim to be more than just a Health and Fitness one stop shop. First and foremost we are Community, and this is what Community’s do! We come together, we work toward a common goal, we do some good and we have a helluva lot of fun along the way :)

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Commit and Take Action!!

Commit and Take Action!!

Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Linda Hurd

Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Linda Hurd