Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Linda Hurd

Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Linda Hurd

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This week we catch up with long term Clann Health member Linda Hurd. Linda’s story is a great read! And one that a lot will be able to relate to …… an exceptionally busy working mom with a full time job and kids to rear. Where does she find time for herself? And where how has she time to exercises and excel at all that she does??

Good Afternoon Linda and thanks a million for taking the time to share your story. Tell us a little about yourself, what health/fitness means to you and how it positively impacts your life …….

Up until last August I can honestly say I never worked out a day in my life!  I decided to join the couch to 5K.  I used every excuse under the sun as to why I could not work out, worked long days, had to run around with the kids (school pick-ups, and their sports etc).  Then I decided as I was hitting my mid-forties I needed to do something for myself.  I  went to Juniper on a Tuesday evening and I think it was my first day in the warm-up you and Benny had us run ONE lap of the track at Juniper.  I honestly thought I was going to die.  I wanted to cry but I left that night feeling this is not going to get the better of me.  At the time, I was only interested in getting in shape by doing the workouts and not at all interested in running (it seems too hard as I smoke and my breathing was so bad!) I eventually gained strength (it was slow) and then the laps around juniper seems much easier. Now I can run like Forest Gump!  That is something I was not expecting.  It's amazing, if you think you can’t do something but you really want to achieve a specific goal, only you  can make your aspirations a reality with the help and coaching working with Seamus, Shane, Treasa and the other trainers anything is possible!

“I used every excuse under the sun as to why I could not work out, worked long days, had to run around with the kids (school pick-ups, and their sports etc).  Then I decided as I was hitting my mid-forties I needed to do something for myself”
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Linda that journey is awesome!! Around here we love the saying "If you want something hard enough you will find a way, if you don't you will find an excuse" and as a busy mother with a demanding job you epitomize this!! What do you say to those who think they don't have time to exercise? And how has exercise positively impacted you since you made it a priority?? 

Kinda answered this about.  I think it is easy to get wrapped up in day to day things, work, kids, housework etc.  I do feel since I joined Clann Health, I am better at all of these things as I have more energy and can keep going and best thing is, I feel better within myself! 

What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know? 

I can do a mean headstand (even better with a case of magners in me :D )

What do you enjoy most about our Clann Health Sessions? 

I Love Clann Health group, it's the best way to keep connected with old and new friends especially during the crazy times we are living in now!  It is my outlet from the laptop on a Tuesday and Thursday evening.  It is always a good laugh (after the training or course :D) My favorite words are "last set, best set"

I Love Clann Health group, it’s the best way to keep connected with old and new friends especially during the crazy times we are living in now!  It is my outlet from the laptop on a Tuesday and Thursday evening.  It is always a good laugh (after the training or course :D) My favorite words are “last set, best set”

Tell us about your most memorable Activity/Race/Event? And why was it so memorable? 

Has to be the joining Seamus in finishing your Marathon in May for the SLAINTE Charity Fund.  It was the first time we got to see most of the "Crew" for a long time.  Of course we ended up "outside" the Gibbons Home and had no manners and stayed "celebrating" his marathon for way too many hours on a school night!

Linda you have been with us right from the start over a year ago and then continuing right through Christmas, New Year and through all Covid happening. Have you always been this consistent? And what advice would you have for someone just starting out on their journey?  

I really try to not miss a class as I could use a number of excuses.  The hardest part for me was taking the first step to joining the group.  Best decision I have made in a long time and I think during these times we all need some form of outlet.  For anyone who wants to do something for themselves that is manageable, they can’t go wrong joining our Clann Health family. 

The hardest part for me was taking the first step to joining the group.  Best decision I have made in a long time and I think during these times we all need some form of outlet
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