Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Treasa Goodwin-Smyth

Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Treasa Goodwin-Smyth

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This week we catch up with Treasa Goodwin Smyth. Treasa has been training with us from the very beginning and epitomizes everything that we at Clann Health are about. She expertly coaches running groups and encourages, motivates and influences those around her to push boundaries and become the best versions of themselves! 

Treasa is also someone who is very Community driven and is integrally involved in the Irish American Community in both Ireland and the US. 

Good Afternoon Treasa and thanks for taking the time to share your story. Tell us a little about yourself, what health/fitness means to you and how it positively impacts your life ........... 

From a very early age, I always had a keen interest in Sport and Fitness, ran track in the Mardyke Cork, played Camogie as a teenager before heading away to college and immigrating to New York. It was Sports, Fitness, Camogie, Football and Soccer that kept me going in NY, meeting so many lifelong friends from all over the world along the way. I was thrilled to be picked to be the N.Y. liaison when Camogie celebrated its 100th anniversary in Ireland.

Health and Fitness are of vital importance, and helps us keep our bodies and mind strong. With a positive mindset no matter what life throws at us, we are ready to take it on!  

I also call it “Me Time” because I believe that everyone needs a little time for themselves.  

Health and Fitness are of vital importance, and helps us keep our bodies and mind strong. With a positive mindset no matter what life throws at us, we are ready to take it on!  


Tell us about your most memorable Activity/Race/Event? and why was it so?

I was a late starter with running but have now completed 13 Marathons including Cork and Dublin in Ireland over the past 5 years, as well as many other events. The most memorable event was running last year’s Yonkers 5k Team Aisling event with my daughter Lisa. I wanted to share with Lisa (a former track high school runner) the joy and satisfaction I get from running, and that and more was achieved that day. 


What do you enjoy most about our Clann Health Exercise Sessions?  

The thing I enjoy most is Seamus encouraging us all everyday and helping us all get through COVID 19 lockdown. It was a Zoom Class, so we all got a chance to see each other on screen. The classes are now still in progress as the Clann Health classes guides and directs and teaches in a very kind and thoughtful and considerate way, to its members no matter what level you are, and without judgement too!  

You come away full of energy with a good feeling of self-worth. Seamus and Shane are excellent mentors and teachers and are very approachable, no matter what the question is. 


You come away full of energy with a good feeling of self-worth

What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know? 

 One time in the Meadowlands N.J. Real Madrid was training just after David Beckham came to play with them, nobody was supposed to interview him that day but I had my tape recorder with me, standing amongst several hundred press and media reporters. I shouted “David” and it must have been her Cork accent, as he was probably used to listening to Roy Keane, and he came right over and said “Do you want to interview me” and of course the rest is history.

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Treasa, when I was starting out a mentor described to me the difference between a good Coach who they said "makes others around them better", and a good Trainer who they said "makes only themselves better". You definitely fall into the 1st bracket as you encourage and motivate others around you to become better versions of themselves. What advice have you for someone who is starting out or who wants to get started on their running/fitness journey? 

My advice for someone starting fitness is stop putting it on the long finger! Stop saying you have no time, stop looking for excuses.  Start today you will be surprised at how much you can do. It will be hard at first, but be patient with yourself, stay determined to reach “Your Goal” 

My advice for someone starting fitness is stop putting it on the long finger! Stop saying you have no time, stop looking for excuses.  

Don’t ever judge yourself by someone else's standards, love yourself for who you are, and enjoy the fitness journey believe me it will all be worth it. Getting out of bed and out the door is the hardest thing early in the morning, but when its over your delighted and full of energy. 

 When you take the benefits of running and strength training classes/sessions they all build a strong heart and lungs and overall muscle and bone density therefore protecting you against injury, that’s motivation in itself. Before long fitness will become a habit a good healthy new way of life, that will carry your through life.

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Treasa you are an integral member of the Irish Community over here, and the importance of Community is something that we preach about a lot with our groups. When you think of our Community coming together each week to train together or go on bike rides together, what does that mean to you? 

The coming together with our group every week, the making of new friends and the building blocks of our community. Training with our group is motivating and suppprtive. Yes there is always someone whose fitter, faster, and stronger than you but it pushes you to give 110%. 

This past year I have watched our group develop and grow through Fitness. They push themselves, they encourage and motive each other to reach out of their comfort zones to get better. And after the session, everyone is happy, laughing and supporting each other and catching up on the gossip. 

I have learned so much from our group. I am humbled and honored to be apart of a wonderful group of caring motivating people who inspire me everyday. I sincerely thank Seamus Keane and Shane Finn from Clann Health and their wonderful team and wish each of you continued success.

“I run for those who can’t, aren’t we lucky we can “ 

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