Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Roisin Henderson

Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Roisin Henderson

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This week we catch up with Roisin Henderson. Roisin hails from Buncrana in Donegal and is one of our originals. She has been training with us from the beginning with our New York Rooftop Workouts and is the definition of Consistency with our Community!! Rois also recently took part in a 24 Hr Cycle Relay for Crumlin and the group raised well over $3,000 for this great cause!! 

Good Afternoon Rois and thanks a million for taking the time to share your story. Tell us a little about yourself, what health/fitness means to you and how it positively impacts your life ........... 

I am from Buncrana, Donegal the youngest of 5 siblings and living in Dublin the last 5 years -  it’s my 2nd stint in Dublin. I spent a year in Perth in 2012 but have been in Dublin almost 10 years in total. I work in IT Recruitment and I love it. The role is always target focused with many different dimensions to it, we always have to improve, push past boundaries and targets whilst being both resilient and consistent. 

The actions that we perform daily in work all go towards the end monetary goal for the month, so, exactly like exercise, it’s consistency that is key. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

It’s hard to switch off emails/phones etc in a sales-based role so I try to always make time to fit in exercise 5-6 times a week. Even if your day is manic you will always feel better afterwards and have more energy for the rest of the day along with improved sleep and personally, I will make better food choices on the back of this Monday to Fridaybut I definitely am a little less strict at the weekends. Everything in moderation is my motto and life is for living!

“Everything in moderation is my motto and life is for living!”

Tell us about your mostmemorable Activity/Race/Event? And why was it so memorable? 

My first half marathon was the Galway Bay half in October 2016, the reason it was so memorable was because I only started jogging 5-10 mins in May 2016 and couldn’t even imagine running a 5k race.   

My mum is fit as a fiddle and walks 90 mins every morning hail rain or shine. Daily I am Inspired by both Mum (74) & my dad Hugh (75) who having lost his leg in 2015, followed by 6 months in a wheelchair and a further 10 weeks in Dun Laoghaire Rehabilitation clinic. So determined, he learnt to walk again with his prosthesis. After witnessing first hand his resilience and determination and strong mind-set I felt that God gave me 2 legs so I am going to use them! I wouldn’t ever say I have the ‘ running bug’ or overly love it but it’s good to challenge ourselves and push outside the comfort zone. I have completed a number of Half marathons since that in Galway, Dingle, Clontarf since 2016. 

God gave me 2 legs so I am going to use them”

A huge part of Clann Health is in giving back and we love to take part in Charity Challenges to raise awareness for causes Locally and Worldwide. Massive Congratulations on your recent Relay for Crumlin 24 Hr Cycle, such huge effort and for such a worthy cause!! What was the most satisfactory thing in taking part in this Challenge?

In Buncrana we have an amazing ambassador for Crumlin and it’s a charity that is well supported locally.  Since 2013 I have joined a group of 100+ locals  each Christmas morning to complete either a 12km/8km/5km run or walk followed by a dip in the chilly waters of Lough Swilly afterwards. The Christmas Dinner always tastes extra fabulous afterwards!

In July 2018 there was a Crumlin 16km Relay and in May 2019 they ran an ‘All roads lead to Buncrana fundraiser’’ which raised over €80k for Crumlin as multiple teams all took part in a 16km run to all arrive back in Buncrana at the same time- It was so well supported locally and like every small town in Ireland everyone rallied together! This year because of Covid-19  the fundraiser couldn’t be completed so instead they organised a 24 hour Spinathon in lieu of this and the All Roads Run will happen in 2021. These events are getting bigger each year and for such a worthy cause!

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Rois, you are Clann Health's Mrs Consistency every week and making such great progress!! What do you enjoy most about our Clann Health Online Exercise Sessions and what advice would you give someone who is thinking about starting off? 

I have always enjoyed walking, short jogs, swimming and spinning classes but was never a big fan of  the ‘ gym floor ‘ or gym classes really. I came across Clann Health’s online classes in May on Facebook and decided to start these on May 22nd.  

I would never have done body-weight work outs, core or strength training on my own so I love the variation of the classes coupled with the option of completing on schedule or watching them back later when you have time. As there is minimal equipment required for the classes it’s perfect for beginners as there is no need to invest heavily and you can complete all classes from your own living room at a time that is convenient for you. To reiterate Seamus’s words ‘ anyone who doesn’t have time to give 25 mins to exercise is insane’   - Give it a try!! I am a member 3 months now and I love the variation. 

“I love the variation of the classes coupled with the option of completing on schedule or watching them back later when you have time”

What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know? 

I was such a ‘tomboy’ in my teens and always an avid Manchester United Fan. When I was 15 I had my room decorated top to bottom with Man united memorabilia, with pride of place being a matching pair of Eric Cantona curtains and a duvet set 😉

Also after completing Dingle Half Marathon in September 2017 in horrendous conditions around Slea Head, relentless wind and torrential rain made it my toughest outing to date so much so that I didn’t put on my trainers until Christmas day again 😉


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Rois, at Clann Health we love the outdoors and we really preach getting out and about to our tight knit Community!! You come from one of the most beautiful parts of the country, if not the world, pick out your top destination to visit in Donegal and a nice pub close by that we can get a feed and a drink in after :) .....

I Joined a Hill-walking group in Dublin in Jan 2019 – we normally headed off once ever 4 weeks to Howth, Wicklow mountains, Croagh Patrick to complete a hike. I loved the sense of achievement that came with this as it’s a very different challenge. Always lovely to meet new people and socialise!!

Donegal is just beautiful, very similar to the rest of the Wild Atlantic Way with rugged scenery and stunning beaches. I still have to Climb Mount Errigal our largest Peak and intend to do it before the end of the year but I have climbedSliabh Sneacht and it is one of the northernmost mountains of Ireland and at 615 metres it is Inishowen’s largest mountain and I highly recommend it. 

We have an abundance of great eateries and amenities in Buncrana so if anyone is ever visiting be sure to drop me a wee message!


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