Trainer Spotlight: Michaela McBride

Trainer Spotlight: Michaela McBride

This month we are featuring the staff of Clann Health to give our members and potential members a greater insight into where we come from and how we got into the fitness industry.

This week our trainer Michaela Mcbride is highlighted. Take a read below to get to know Michaela.

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What made you get into the fitness industry?

Exercise has always been something l’ve had a interest and love for since I was young. It was during lockdown when I decided to take the next step and get qualified to become a qualified personal trainer.

How did you get working with Clann Health?

I actually started going to Clann health for their outdoor classes back in January/February time, through them I told John and Seamus that I was studying to become a personal trainer. Then once I was qualified I shadowed 1-2-1 sessions and classes taken by Seamus and John before eventually coaching my own classes under Clann health.

What do you like most about working in the fitness industry?

Seeing the change in people’s mental health and over all physical health over time and after sessions. I notice this particularly in my mornings classes, the difference in energy levels and moods from the beginning of the sessions until the end is just amazing to see and makes it such a great feeling to be able to provide that for people.

Tell us your Favourite Quote?

“Anything you can imagine, you can create” -Oprah

One piece of advice you would give your younger self?

Focus on what makes you happy, trust the process and only do things for yourself never to please others.

Whats your favourite class to teach and why?

HITT, I love high intensity interval training and pushing myself to the limit! So being able to coach that to others and watch them progress over time and drive themselves more each week is amazing to see. Also the energy and excitement from each class is like no other and just creates a great environment for everyone.

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