Trainer Spotlight: John Collins

Trainer Spotlight: John Collins

This month we are featuring the staff of Clann Health to give our members and potential members a greater insight into where we come from and how we got into the fitness industry.

This week our trainer John Collins is highlighted. Take a read below to get to know John.

What made you get into the fitness industry?

Since I can remember I was interested in Health and Fitness. From the age of 14 I was fortunate enough to have been part of a GAA sports team where we were educated on all things Strength and Conditioning. I was like a sponge soaking in all the information I could get and I was always fascinated by the human body and movement. I carried through to adulthood and increased my knowledge and experience through coaching GAA and boxing. When I moved to New York in 2016 I began coaching people in Central Park, and local gyms after I gained my NASM qualification, and from that my client base just grew through word of mouth .

How did you get working with Clann Health?

I had known Seamus for probably 4-5 years originally through Manhattan Gaels and out and about ( The Weshties are tight!). During lockdown I managed to convince him to take on the Gaels for zoom workouts from the famous rooftop! From then we just got talking and saw a possible opportunity for outdoor workouts in LIC. I thought it was a great idea and was passionate about getting people moving again for as much their mental health as physical! We sat down with a pot of tea and some chocolate biscuits, talked logistics and agreed to go for it…The rest is history!

What do you like most about working in the fitness industry?

The feeling of helping people achieve something they originally thought impossible. There is extreme job satisfaction from helping someone feel better, and that it’s only a workout away. Helping someone reach their potential is very rewarding.

Tell us your Favourite Quote?

“A smooth sea will never make a skillful sailor”

One piece of advice you would give your younger self?

Difficult one! I feel like every decision I’ve made that led me to where I am today and shaped who I am! The 18 year old me probably wouldn’t listen anyways!Maybe slow down and live life more in the moment !

Whats your favourite class to teach and why?

The energy from the people there makes the class for me. I come from a high intensity background but this summer I taught a 7am Core class that was slower paced and I loved it . But you cannot beat pumping the tunes and throwing on the boxing gloves and hammering the pads. You will leave that workout a different person that the one who arrived!

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