Trainer Spotlight: Katie O'Connell

Trainer Spotlight: Katie O'Connell

This month we are featuring the staff of Clann Health to give our members and potential members a greater insight into where we come from and how we got into the fitness industry.

This week our team member Katie O’Connell is highlighted. Take a read below to get to know Katie.

What made you get into the fitness industry?

Believe it or not I actually first started studying architecture but purely to keep the parents happy!! I soon transferred into recreation and leisure as I always had a love of sport. I played every sports imaginable when I was younger and even got the chance to play rugby for Munster. When I was leaving college I already had a job in a fitness centre and just loved the industry. I moved to Dublin for a while and then returned to cork and opened my own fitness studio which I just closed during Covid 19.

How did you get working with Clann Health?

I went to college with Shane Finn and he introduced me to Clann health and Seamus. I have only met seamus in person once but through our weekly hours of phone calls I feel like iv know him forever 😂! Solving all the problems and chatting about good coffee spots I need to visit.

What do you like most about working in the fitness industry?

I love helping and educating people.!! I love giving people the tools to make the best life choices when it comes to exercise and nutrition! Having a solid weekly fitness and nutrition plan can honestly make the world of difference to peoples lives and mental health. Which in my opinion is the most amazing factor, to be a small part of making someone’s life better is a gift!

Tell us your Favourite Quote?

Seamus stole mine … but here is my close second and third!!

“Many of life’s failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” Thomas A. Edison

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving” Albert Einstein

One piece of advice you would give your younger self?

Stop worrying about what people think of you!! Because truthfully everyone is just worrying about themselves. & Don’t tell narrow minded people your goals as they will never see you vision or passion! And will just radiant negativity! If you believe you will succeed you will!!

Whats your favourite class to teach and why?

Oh tough one!! I do love Pilates as I need the breathing and slowing down aspect of the class myself so I always feel refreshed and more energised and have a much clearer mind afterwards.

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