Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Janette McDaid

Clann Health Inspiring Stories: Janette McDaid

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This week we catch up with long term Clann Health member Janette McDaid. Janette moved to New York City from Donegal a number of years ago and is heavily involved with both the Irish American and Running community here in New York City. In true Clann Health Spirit Janette puts her Health and Fitness 1st and always finds time to give back to deserving causes by getting involved in fundraising drives by the Irish American Community over here. Her story is a great read and one that a lot will resonate with!

Good Afternoon Janette and thanks a million for taking the time to share your story. Tell us a little about yourself, what health/fitness means to you and how it positively impacts your life ...........

Hi Seamus, what going on, I was born & raised in Donegal, living in the Bronx since 2007. I'm one of nine kids so growing up at my house was a little hectic, no idea how my mammy & daddy done it, but am so thankful for a big family. I work for an Irish construction company in Westchester which I am very fortunate to be employed by, great people. I believe my health is my wealth, we all take it for granted until we get a scare or it hits someone close to home. Improving my Health & Fitness now are what drives me on through the months of waiting for covid to pass and get back of normal life eventually.

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Tell us about your most memorable Activity/Race/Event? And why was it so memorable? This can be a race event on your own or it can be one with a team (i.e. Event for a cause/charity or Event/Hike with a close family member/friend)

The most memorable race for me was the NYC Half in 2019, I got a place through the lottery, I treated it in training like I was doing a 10k which worked for me as I didn't want to think about how the last 7 miles would go, thank God the crowds on the streets of Brooklyn were just the best and running through times Square was just something else, the people out cheering kept me going and drove me on. I was so delighted just to cross the line. Best feeling ever.

Janette, you are a driving force behind both our groups who train in Queens New York City and in Yonkers, and a person who has been so influential in getting others involved. What advice have you for someone who is starting out or who wants to get started on their running/fitness journey?

The first step is stop talking and start doing, belief in yourself will go a long way. I'd advise them to do an activity they will enjoy to begin with , if its walking, running, cycling etc, then join a class that will challenge them. I have done bootcamps in Yonkers for a few years and joined Team Aisling which is where the running started for me. I'm a big fan of group activities as its good to have a coach/other group members to advise you when your off track.

The first step is stop talking and start doing, belief in yourself will go a long way

What do you enjoy most about our Clann Health Sessions?

Love the flexibility of the sessions, with my work schedule , the fact I can do a class at any time of the day is just great, the variety of the classes provided means you get an overall workout during the week, they are challenging but enjoyable. All trainers give clear and concise instructions for all workouts, not to mention their sound people.

Love the flexibility of the sessions, with my work schedule

What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

I wouldn't say its a fun fact, growing up If I could find a shortcut for anything in life I'd take it , I hated studying at school/college, it was torture, so I shocked myself when I went back to college classes 2 years ago, it was a pure notion but the me loved it.

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Janette you are Mrs Consistency right from the start and rarely miss a week of sessions, tell us how staying active and staying connected has helped you especially over the past 6 months ….

Fitness is everything for me now with the covid going around, not been able to travel home like a lot of people till this is over is a nightmare, it does grate on your mental health. But joining clann health was the best decision I've made all year. I've met a lot of good people online and in person, got into shape, enjoy the classes and my running is slowly improving. Couldnt ask for anything else. Great to be part of a group thats all about improving your Health through fitness activities, I am looking forward to a few Clann Health outings in the future to meet up with all the New York people.

I am looking forward to a few Clann Health outings in the future to meet up with all the New York people
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