3 Top Tips to Getting Back and Enjoying Exercise

3 Top Tips to Getting Back and Enjoying Exercise

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How can we stop ourselves from getting down when we have a bad day or a bad week? We have all been there. sometimes life gets in the way or we get sick or things come up. Well here are 3 quick tips to avoid that self-sabotage mindset and make sure that we keep progress over the long term!

1.Make yourself a priority!
That's right, deal with yourself first. Im not a huge fan of the word but you do have to get a bit selfish. You have to figure out for yourself what you need to do to stay healthy. In a parents case if you are going around every day catering for everyone else, taking the kids to 5 different practice sessions or telling others how great they are then mentally thats tough for you because you are staying in the same place and not moving forward where in the mean time you are cheering for everyone else.

2. Adopt the Long Term Mindset
Aim for progress not perfection. Compare yourself to who you were a month ago, a year ago when you started back training. That's also a huge part of building mental toughness, looking at yourself and looking how far you've come in the long term.
Don't compare yourself to others, not friends and not celebrities. Use your own mirror and use yourself as your own inspiration. So you can look back at how far you've come.

"We overestimate what we get done in a day, we underestimate what we get done in a month/year"

3.Take Action!
This one is simple really. Get back on the horse and take action. Action is the real measure of intelligence. The 1st few steps don't have to be huge steps but they must be consistent. Once consistency happens, then momentum builds, confidence gets higher, our tails are up and the horse is away again!!!!

"We get rewarded in life for what we do, not what we know"

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