Clann Health Female Empowerment Month Inspiring Stories: Pauline Briody

Clann Health Female Empowerment Month Inspiring Stories: Pauline Briody


This week we catch up with long term Clann Health member Pauline Briody. Pauline’s story is a truly inspiring read and we are thrilled to have her part of the Clann Health community. Have a read of Pauline’s story below …..

Good Afternoon Pauline and thanks a million for taking the time to share your story. Tell us a little about yourself, what Health/Fitness means to you and how it positively impacts your life ........... 

Before my diagnosis I would go for a run every now and then but could never form a consistent routine and honestly didn't enjoy running. While recovering from breast cancer I went back to my old ways of going for a jog every now and then but this time it was different. The minimal effort of jogging stuck to me like glue. I became passionate about running, thanks to the support of my friends, joined the gym and my confidence & enthusiasm to get fit was higher than I ever imagined.

“ Exercise and a strong network of friends and family can bring out the best in everyone.”

Tell us about your most memorable Activity/Race/Event? And why was it so memorable? This can be a race event on your own or it can be one with a team (i.e. Event for a cause/charity or Event/Hike with a close family member/friend) 


Crossing the finish line at the New York City Marathon in 2019 with my loving family waiting for me will always resonate at one of the most memorable days in my life. I had struggled with Knee pain about one month prior to the big day, but I felt my knee would hold up. Mile 2 crossing the Verrazano Bridge, the pain gripping my knee radiating down my leg was brutal. I pushed through the pain for the next 24 miles and it was with sheer determination and the cheers and the encouragement from the crowds along the way and family & friends cheering me on that got me over the finish line.

“The funniest memory of the marathon was running alone first ave, with my co workers out in front of Memorial Sloan Kettering, holding up funny posters.”


Pauline, you are a driving force behind both our groups who train in Queens New York City, and a real energetic personality in getting others involved too. What advice have you for someone who is starting out or who wants to get started bu just hasn't taken action on their running/fitness journey? 

Honestly, I would not have even considered taking up running seriously if it was not for Marie Smith, Brenda McGirr, Linda Rice, Sandra Boyle & Mary Walsh who dragged me to Roosevelt Island one cold Saturday morning and we ran our first St. Patrick’s 5K together and from that day on we called ourselves the ‘Running Lassies’. My advice is to pair up with friends who will encourage & motivate you on every step you take. Some days you will take a few steps back but always remember those steps backwards are temporary. Enjoy the journey, laugh lots and make your goals realistic.  

What do you enjoy most about our Clann Health Training Sessions?

 I absolutely love the work outs with Clann Health. I love the positivity, the laughs, and most of all you get an excellent work while at the same time socializing, catching up with friends, and making new friends.

“I guarantee you I have passed many gyms in New York and nowhere have I seen anyone having so much fun as we do while exercising. “


What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

I played football for Cavan back in the day and it was not the Polo Grounds, lol. I have an All- Ireland medal, mind you, I think I got it for showing up.

Pauline your group of friends are a very active bunch and involved in lots of different sports and endurance challenges. Tell us how staying active and staying connected has helped you all especially over the past 12 months ....... 

The past year has been a challenging one for everyone.

“The Clann Health virtual classes were literally a tonic at the end of some stressful days at work. My daughter, Dervla would ensure that I was down on the floor with her or in the backyard while she did her virtual exercise classes.”

My neighbour was royally entertained by our antics. We also got away for quite a few weekends skiing with the family and nothing beats skiing with the kids and the crazy West of Ireland man, Cha. This past year I took up hiking with friends and also got to enjoy a few great hikes with Clann Health. Before the pandemic, I believed I couldn't elope for outdoor adventures as much as I wanted. I have assimilated to a new social normal, enjoying outdoors activities in lieu of spending my weekends galavanting around Queens.

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