Clann Health Female Empowerment Month Inspiring Stories: Sandra Boyle

Clann Health Female Empowerment Month Inspiring Stories: Sandra Boyle


This week we catch up with Clann Health member Sandra Boyle. Sandra’s story is a fantastic read and we are thrilled to have her part of the Clann Health community. Have a read of Sandra’s story below …..

Good Afternoon Sandra and thanks a million for taking the time to share your story. Tell us a little about yourself, what Health/Fitness means to you and how it positively impacts your life ........... 

Well you all know I am a Jackeen from Dublin, living in NYC 26 years now. I have always tried to do my best to stay in shape and as the years go on its more about creating some positive head space and reaping the benefits along the way. My running journey started a few years back when I was inspired to do the 2014 NYC half Marathon, I got great encouragement but found it hard doing it on my own.

Fast forward to 2017 New Year’s Eve in SideTracks where an idea was born to set a goal to run the NYC Marathon one day. That idea evolved and a great bunch of us made it a reality in 2019, "The Running Lassie’s"

Tell us about your most memorable Activity/Race/Event? And why was it so memorable? This can be a race event on your own or it can be one with a team (i.e. Event for a cause/charity or Event/Hike with a close family member/friend)

Without a shadow of a doubt the NYC Marathon hands down start to finish a journey I will cherish forever. I have been blessed to have had some very memorable events happen and the craic afterwards just can’t be bought. The first Super bowl 4 Miler, crawled it, the St Patrick’s Day run in Roosevelt Island, “running” the Yonkers half marathon and really enjoying it, the Jingle Bell Jogs and especially being a part of Team Aishling 5K fundraiser raising funds for Slainte 2020 in the middle of a pandemic, that was:

Inspirational and embodies on how important “are health is are wealth” and how looking after each other in the communities we live in near and far is so necessary and rewarding.


Sandra, you are a driving force behind both our groups who train in Queens New York City, and a real energetic personality in getting others involved too. What advice have you for someone who is starting out or who wants to get started but just hasn't acted on their running/fitness journey?

Just do it, carve out some “me time”, Join Clann Health, Team Aisling, come to Treasa’s back to basics which just started back up, ask a friend to go for a walk you won’t be disappointed. I have had my fair share of injuries, broken ankle, crappy knees, left knee cap replaced last year and will be scheduling my right knee after I clock a few miles this year. Turn that I can’t into I will and I can.

What do you enjoy most about our Clann Health Training Sessions?

The can-do attitude, the support, encouragement the laughs. If you have had a bad day you are guaranteed someone from the group will put a smile on your face and you will walk away feeling up lifted always.

What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

I am very superstitious, itchy bum surprise to come, itchy palm there is money coming.

Sandra your family are an active bunch and involved in lots of different sports and endurance challenges. Tell us how staying active and staying connected has helped you all especially over the past 12 months ..?

To say the past 12 months have been interesting is an understatement, the need to keep myself sane and stay active and connected was made easy, I was so impressed with how Clann Health got so innovative and resourceful about keeping us all active, the online Zoom workouts,

Facebook live work outs were so appreciated, an amazing job keeping us all connected and focused it could have a been a different year without you.

"Fitness isn't a seasonal hobby, fitness is a lifestyle"

"Fitness isn't a seasonal hobby, fitness is a lifestyle"

Clann Health Female Empowerment Month Inspiring Stories: Pauline Briody

Clann Health Female Empowerment Month Inspiring Stories: Pauline Briody