Member Spotlight: Arianna Borriello

Member Spotlight: Arianna Borriello

This week we catch up with long term Clann Health member Arianna Borriello. Arianna’s story is a great one and we are thrilled to have her part of the Clann Health Community. She’s a person who really values community, good friends and staying healthy. Have a read of some of the questions we asked Arianna’s …..


Good afternoon Arianna and thank you so much for telling us a little bit about yourself

1.What has been your favourite part of training with Clann Health?

Having a wonderful group of people to keep me motivated and connect with! The sense of community in this group is extremely strong and encourages me to keep going.

2. What has been your greatest sporting memory?

Running a half marathon in 2019! I was never a runner so it was a huge challenge for me. Getting over the finish line was so rewarding.

3. Tell us something about you others might not know?
I love to bake! Baking is what occupied me during quarantine. My favorite thing to make is copy cat Levain cookies.

4. What is a future goal you would like to achieve with Clann Health’s training help?
I’d really like to work improve my form using the kettlebells. Specifically, kettlebell swings. I never used them before training with this group and would like to learn more exercises.

5. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining Clann Health?

Just do it! Get started, you won’t regret it. The team is very supportive and the coaches modify the exercises for all levels.

6. Tell us your favourite quote? 

”Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt

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