Member Spotlight:  Bridget Goodwin

Member Spotlight: Bridget Goodwin

This week we catch up with long term Clann Health member Bridget Goodwin. Bridget’s story is a great one and we are thrilled to have her part of the Clann Health Community. She’s a person who really values community, good friends and staying healthy. Have a read of some of the questions we asked Bridget’s …..

Good afternoon Bridget and thank you so much for telling us a little bit about yourself

1.What has been your favourite part of training with Clann Health?
It's been such a fun, positive environment in which to workout. I've enjoyed meeting so many great people and forming a like-minded community. We have so much fun doing some killer workouts, and I am always glad I made the effort to show up. I feel like I have also gotten so much stronger since we started back in the icy cold of February, which keeps me coming back (along with the gorgeous view of the New York City skyline - squat holds are a lot more pleasant when there's a view to help distract you from the pain). Also, I really enjoy the hiking events upstate. I love to get out in nature and often take vacations to go hiking- it's been fun to do some hikes in New York. I am looking forward to many more!

2. What has been your greatest sporting memory?

Spectating: As a massive soccer fan I would say attending the opening game of the World Cup as a kid - it was pretty spectacular! Participating: The first time I was able to run again without pain after dealing with recurrent injuries and having two major surgeries.

3. Tell us something about you others might not know?
I grew up hiking, camping, and backpacking in the mountains of Oregon, I'm a classically trained opera singer and a Level II Reiki Practitioner.

4. What is a future goal you would like to achieve with Clann Health’s training help?
Continue to have fun, get stronger and push my limits! Also, more hikes:)

5. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining Clann Health?

DO IT! You'll find working out is actually really fun when you're surrounded by a great group of people.

6. Tell us your favourite quote? 

"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them."- Marcus Aurelius


"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein

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