Clann Health Female Empowerment Month Inspiring Stories: Deirdre Hanley

Clann Health Female Empowerment Month Inspiring Stories: Deirdre Hanley

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Good Afternoon Dee and thanks a million for taking the time to share your story. Tell us a little about yourself, what health/fitness means to you and how it positively impacts your life ...........

As a kid growing up on a farm in Roscommon I was always outdoors from morning to night. Running, climbing, (being chased by my brothers/or the family bull) but never had time/interest in team related sports/fitness then, or the 35 plus years to follow.I was always fascinated watching track and field athletes and when I came to NY I loved cheering on runners and friends along the NYC Marathon route. I always said "someday I'll run a marathon as I had never done anything to be proud of" but I kept putting it off and making excuses. A health scare in 2015 put life into perspective for me so I decided to change my lifestyle for the better and focus on health and fitness in 2016. Joining Team Aisling/ Clann Health was the best decision I've ever made. I have always been socially awkward, shy, somewhat introverted around adults and joining this wonderful team has helped me immensely on a personal & social level as well as a health and fitness one!

A health scare in 2015 put life into perspective for me so I decided to change my lifestyle for the better and focus on health and fitness in 2016. Joining Team Aisling/ Clann Health was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Tell us about your most memorable Activity/Race/Event? And why was it so memorable? This can be a race event on your own or it can be one with a team (i.e. Event for a cause/charity or Event/Hike with a close family member/friend)

From a team perspective I have to say both the 2019 and 2020 NYC Marathons because of the AMAZING team effort involved. We trained and worked out as a team under the watchful eyes of our fantastic trainers and our awesome coach Treasa! We laughed together (groaned a lot) teammates offered help with transport to training and races, fundraising, organizing cheer squads along both marathon routes, surprise finish line celebrations to name just a few. I have said it many times that this wonderful team spirit gets everyone across their finish lines and crush their goals!

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Dee, you are a driving force behind both our groups who train in Queens New York City, you are such an integral part of the Community in Yonkers too, and a person who has been so influential in getting others involved. What advice have you for someone who is starting out or who wants to get started on their running/fitness journey?

My advice to anyone starting out on their fitness journey is to start out slow and steady but be consistent, set realistic goals, challenge yourself a little but only when your body feels comfortable doing so. That could be your first walk, circuit training, yoga class, race etc and you're doing something wonderful for YOU because you want to! Don't let self doubt creep in! My personal motto is "tell yourself you can and you will - tell yourself you can't and you won't.” The hardest part is to start on your journey but the sense of pride and achievement you will get from the progress you make when you stick to your goals is an incredible feeling!

My advice to anyone starting out on their fitness journey is to start out slow and steady but be consistent, set realistic goals, challenge yourself a little

What do you enjoy most about our Clann Health Training Sessions?

What I love most about Clann Health training sessions are the broad range of exercises that you can do using just your body. You don't need fancy shmancy equipment for an amazing full body workout . The trainers aren't your typical "drill sargent" style yelling orders at you which is beyond intimidating. They are knowledgeable, informative and encouraging to every member! They make it fun too!!!

The trainers aren’t your typical “drill sargent” style yelling orders at you which is beyond intimidating. They are knowledgeable, informative and encouraging to every member! They make it fun too!!!
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What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

I love boxing 🥊 and wanted to take up female boxing when I lived in London. I used to drag my guy friends to tournaments at York Hall. My boss went crazy when I told him...(I worked in retail management at the time ) ... you're not coming in here on an effen Monday morning with black eyes and busted lips (yada yada blah blah).

Dee you have completed many marathons and rarely miss any event that we run/promote, tell us how staying active and staying connected has helped you especially over the past 12 months ….

The hardest part of the last year has definitely been our inability to have in person classes as we have always known them. I long for the day when it's safe to get back to those because I miss the workouts, camaraderie, and the laughs alot! I walk home from work so I get plenty of miles in that way and slowly getting back to short runs on the weekends. Virtual challenges have been a saving grace, they keep me accountable for sure! We have a wonderful team WhatsApp group so we keep one another updated about events and valuable info and eventho life is far from normal, the Team Aisling/Clann Health team spirit is stronger than ever!

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