Member Spotlight: Laura Giordano & Denis O'Grady

Member Spotlight: Laura Giordano & Denis O'Grady

Laura and Denis are one of Clann Health’s power couples and were kind enough to answer some of our questions.

Laura Giordano

1.What has been your favourite part of training with Clann Health?

The boxing is my favorite activity, but I also enjoy the community feel and everyone holding each other accountable each week. It’s also a great opportunity for Denis and I to spend time together doing something healthy and fun!!

2. What has been your greatest sporting memory?

The glory days in high school playing varsity softball and volleyball. Such fun memories, but looking back, I have no clue how I kept up with the intense schedule!

3. Tell us something about you others might not know?

I’m obsessed with true crime podcasts, specifically this one called My Favourite Murder.

4. What is a future goal you would like to achieve with Clann Healths training help?

Complete a 5k, tough mudder or some type of event like that

5. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining Clann Health?

Do it!! There’s something for everyone. It will be tough at first but keep going and you’ll get stronger with time!!

6. Tell us your favourite quote?

“Win the morning, win the day!” - Seamus Keane

Denis O’Grady

1.What has been your favourite part of training with Clann Health?

The attitudes from the coaches who always encourage and bring positivity to every workout. Also Seamus Shouting at us for a louder response to "LAST SET, BEST SET!!!

2. What has been your greatest sporting memory?

Being in Croke Park as a kid to witness Clare winning the All-Ireland Hurling Final in 1995.

3. Tell us something about you others might not know?

Lover of Indian Food. Have a background in Education & Construction.

4. What is a future goal you would like to achieve with Clann Healths training help?

I would like strengthen my core further.

5. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining Clann Health?

DO IT! It is a fun environment to workout in with great coaches and people participating in class.

6. Tell us your favourite quote?

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde

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