Member Spotlight: Anna Ice

Member Spotlight: Anna Ice


This week we catch up with long term Clann Health member Anna Ice who was our 1st ever member in Long Island City. Anna’s story is a great one and we are thrilled to have her part of the Clann Health Community. She’s a person who really values community, good friends and staying healthy. Have a read of some of the questions we asked Anna …..

Good afternoon Anna and thank you so much for telling us a little bit about yourself

1.What has been your favourite part of training with Clann Health?
I love all aspects of the class from the lovely trainers and members, to the beautiful location and scenery.  I love!!

2. What has been your greatest sporting memory?

Kicking a soccer ball perfectly in the air to land directly on a little Asian boys head and knocking him out!  Lol Just kidding!  I have a lot of amazing sporting memories, its hard to pin one down.  I've always been into sports and have a lot of medallions from high school where I played Tennis, Soccer and Basketball.

3. Tell us something about you others might not know?
I've never been to Greenland!!

4. What is a future goal you would like to achieve with Clann Health’s training help?
Abs!  I'd like some Abs please.  Thanks!  Oh and being able to do a pull up.  Just one.  Thanks again.

5. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining Clann Health?

Stop thinking and start doing!

6. Tell us your favourite quote? 

"Last set, best set!"  - The Famous Seamus.  "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." - Marty McFly, Back to the Future

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